
NFTs are unique indivisible Blockchain-Powered Assets.

NFTs are unique pieces of data existing in every Distributed Ledger Technology today. Non-Fungible Tokens, as opposed to Fungible Tokens, are unique, indivisible, uninterchangeable Blockchain-Based Digital Assets representing arts, contracts, Real-World Assets, commodities, and other tokenizable parameters. NFTs are unique because of their unique metadata and ID on the blockchain that distinguishes each NFT from the other even if they originate from a single issuer. This trait is both a strength and weakness of all NFT assets. xFRAC is a project that seeks to solve the problems of indivisibility and unavailable liquidity of Non-fungible Assets on the XRP Ledger. This project uses existing Ledger functions and transactions to seamlessly achieve a more dynamic and vibrant NFT ecosystem and Economy on the XRPL.

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