Voting Rules

Below are the rules of rToken Governance Process.

  • rToken holders, LP Token Holders, and XFC holders must hold a minimum of 5000 XFC before they can vote.

  • For Proposals to be up for voting, a user or users must send a proposal deposit of 50,000 XFC to the Governance wallet, which is held throughout the voting period and after returned to the proposing wallets.

  • Any user can propose, and others can send XFC to the Governance wallet to complete the 50,000 XFC collateral needed for it to be up for voting. After the voting period, all XFC sent to the Governance wallet are returned to the contributing wallets.

  • If, after 7 Days from the time of the proposal, there is no complete 50,000 XFC deposit, the Proposal is void. All prior XFC deposits are returned to senders.

  • Every 5000 XFC is equal to a vote. This prerequisite ensures that community members are involved in xFRAC Governance.

  • Voting lasts for two weeks, and users can change their votes as only the latest vote counts.

  • For a proposal to pass, the DAO vote for it must be above 80% of the total votes.

Last updated