Other XFC Reward Structures

XRP Holders, Beta Testers, and xFRAC NFT Holders are reward for their contributions.

The Graph shows the relationship between the XFC weekly rewards and the Epochs. This relationship is a decrease in weekly reward as epochs increase, and the essence of this mechanism is to reward participants gradually rather than at once, which could lead to a massive decline in the price of XFC. About 72% of XFC supply is for incentivizing liquidity provision and Token holding on xFRAC for ~ 39 years, a time we believe to be enough for the xFRAC use-case on the XRP Ledger to mature.

Beta Testers are XRPL Users and NFT Projects that seek to participate in xFRAC Testnet for us to detect bugs and note the resilience level of our platform. Beta Testers will be given XFC after our testnet for their early participation and contributions to the xFRAC Ecosystem through the Beta Tester's Airdrop.

XRP Holders will receive a 916,000 XFC Community Airdrop and the XFC rewards are distributed according to their XRP Holdings (More XRP, More XFC), and the Maximum XRP Holdings rewardable per wallet is 30,000.

xFRAC NFTs Holders will also receive an initial Airdrop as indicated in the Tokenomics above.

Last updated