Tokenization and Fractionalization of Real Estate Deeds

hTokens are used to Fractionalized Real Estate.

Real Estate is a profitable business globally. Modern Technology is also revolutionizing the industry, and Blockchain is an example of those technologies through the Tokenization of Real Estate Deeds. Even though Real Estate Tokenization is a decentralized, transparent, and efficient approach that allows for easy ownership and tradability of Real Estate globally, it doesn't make it less expensive and accessible to everyday users. xFRAC believes that our Technology has a business opportunity here. xFRAC intends to offer the solution as follows.

  • Landed Property owners sign up with xFRAC, and necessary legal agreements are processed. After property inspection, the Real Estate Ownership Documents are signed by xFRAC.

  • The Landed Property is tokenized as an NFT Known as Housy Deeds and Sold on xFRAC's Property marketplace.

  • Proceeds from Housy Deeds' initial Sale go to the previous property owners, and now the Housy Deed holder has full ownership of the Real Estate through xFRAC.

  • Housy Deed holders can put up their property for rent or lease, and the proceeds from renting and leasing are sent to the Deed holder when due.

  • Housy Deeds can be fractionalized to hTokens (a derivative of rTokens) to distribute cost and ownership of the Properties among users. Housy Deeds and hTokens are both traded on the Property Marketplace.

  • Housy Deeds and hTokens have a tfburnable flag and Clawback flag set respectively. When a Housy Deed holder wants to claim the Real Estate Documents, an NFT burn transaction is initiated by the Issuer, and once the NFT is burnt, xFRAC will send the documents to the user.

  • When a user wants to claim full ownership of a Housy Deed attached to a particular hToken. The individual will have to buy 20% of the hToken supply from the property marketplace and send a Housy Deed buy Order to the hToken issuer worth the remaining 80% of the hToken Supply.

  • If nobody sends a counter buy order after two weeks, if subtracted from the contending buy order is worth less than 75% of the entire hToken supply, the issuer will accept the buy offer and claw back all the hToken in circulation. The proceeds will distribute the proceeds in stablecoins to all the hToken holders.

We believe that as xFRAC matures more real-world applications will surface!

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