Revenue Sources

xFRAC is a profitable business as it embodies its unique revenue streams.

We believe that for a venture to survive, it must have a proven source of income. Below are the areas where the xFRAC Team makes revenue from our marketplace.

rToken Listing Fees: This is a one-time fee that an NFT project pays to set up their xFRAC wallet (rToken Issuer) on the Marketplace. This payment is subject to change as the cost of issuer setup increases or decreases. This payment is in XRP.

rTokenization Exchange Fee: This fee is collected before an NFT is locked or redeemed from an xFRAC Wallet. This fee is in XFC, XRP, and rTokens. The fee price is subject to change by the xFRAC DAO through the rToken Governance process.

Transfer Fee: A standard fee is collected when rTokens are exchanged or transferred by its issuer or xFRAC wallet. The resulting amount of the transfer fees collected will be computed and subsequently reissued to the xFRAC Team as revenue. The fee is in rTokens.

XFC Staking Fee: For users who have the minimum XFC Holdings that are eligible for XFC weekly Rewards, staking their XFC allows them to be counted among people eligible for the rewards, as xFRAC will only reward wallets that are in its staking registry. XFC worth one XRP is collected as staking fees per Epoch, and the price is subject to change by the xFRAC Team as XRP and XFC fluctuate.

Last updated